Open 7 Days 10.00 am - 8.30 pm
Dear Clients,
We know that current events are creating concern in the community and we just wanted to update you on the hygiene precautions we are taking at our clinic to protect you and your family.
**Most importantly we are asking clients with cold and flu symptoms to please reschedule until they have recovered and of course observe 14 days of self-quarantine if they have returned from anywhere overseas.**
All our therapists are trained in Infection Control and have also undertaken to self-quarantine if they are experiencing any cold or flu symptoms.
On a happier note if you are working from home it might be a good time to get that treatment scheduled and ensure you can keep working productively.
Hygiene Precautions
We are open and have procedures in place to manage risks to keep our community healthy and safe.
We will continue to respond to the current global health challenge, and we are taking regular advice from the WHO and the Australian Department of Health.
Our therapists have in place procedures to protect you and the clinic
These include:
* Regularly cleaning all surfaces including door-knobs, frequently touched equipment and bench tops
* Washing our hands with soap and water regularly
* Keeping all staff informed
* Having hand sanitiser available for clients and staff
* Linen is changed on massage tables after each client and any hard surfaces are cleaned between clients
* Towels are washed at 90 C